When we think of male hormones, the first to come to mind is testosterone. This male sex hormone is the driving force behind puberty changes, such as deepening the voice and growth of facial hair. An ordinary phenomenon is that men face hormonal imbalances diagnosed using men’s hormone tests.
Although hormones tend to fluctuate, maintaining adequate levels is essential for the proper functioning of the body. For example, testosterone levels naturally decline with age; however, consuming certain foods can also lead to premature declines. Here is a quick overview of some of the foods you ought to keep off your plate:

Soy-containing foods such as tofu and soy milk mimic the hormone estrogen, found in large amounts in women. Estrogen and testosterone are indirectly proportional, meaning when one goes up, the other goes down.
Soy alters the chemical configuration of the testosterone receptors, thereby rendering them inactive and decreasing testosterone levels.
Although this remains a developing subject matter, it’s best to lay low on soy till further notice!
This one’s a bummer since it means thinking twice before reaching out for your favorite slice of cheese pizza.
Boxed milk mainly comes from female cows, with substantial amounts of estrogen running through their bodies. And with estrogen-blocking your testosterone receptors, there’s bound to be an imbalance in your hormones.
Enjoying a glass of wine here and there never hurt anyone. However, if you’re drinking it frequently or abusing it, you might consider changing your ways.
Overconsumption of alcohol blocks the pituitary gland, due to which the testicles are no longer able to produce testosterone.
Mint Extract and Leaves
Despite being well-known for its therapeutic and calming properties, the menthol present in these leaves can be testosterone killers.
Although studies have been only carried out on women and animals such as rodents, maybe it’s best to opt for an evening ginger tea instead?
Processed and Canned Foods
Processed foods contain high amounts of sugar and sodium, but they’re also rich in trans fats.
Trans fats are hazardous, which lead to a high risk of heart disease and diabetes and decreased levels of testosterone and other male hormones.
If you’re a keen nut snacker, it’s time you find another tea-time snack. The reason is the high amounts of polyunsaturated fats found in nuts. They cause stress on the body’s storage levels, thereby decreasing testosterone.
Flaxseeds undoubtedly have several health benefits, including improving digestive health. However, no matter how good it is, too much of it can be harmful to the body.
These plant-derived compounds cut down testosterone levels and prevent the hormone from converting into other helpful products.
Bottom Line
Hormonal imbalance is a normal part of one’s life. Low testosterone levels may be at play if you experience any symptoms such as fatigue and erectile dysfunction. Get yourself tested using a mens hormone test and make small yet necessary changes to your diet to tackle this condition.

Reginald Harper owner of this blog, He created this website many year before to share his experience. He is writer and he writes the topic all about social Anxiety and many more.