When we hear the word “refugee”, what comes to our minds is an individual with a desire to find security, and a sense of belongingness. It’s an individual who may be displaced or has experienced a natural disaster, and then has been forced to flee for his/her life and for that of his/her family. It is also an individual who may not have any educational background whatsoever.

So, when we hear the term “refugee”, what comes to our mind is that they should be able to go to school because this would provide them with the opportunity to learn English. This, in itself, is a great reason to allow them to study in schools, because many immigrants are illiterate and this would serve as a great asset for them to learn a new language and a new way of life. However, most often, many of these immigrants don’t have the money to go to school.
But, when we think about it, they need not go to school to pursue their goal of learning English. Many families have been able to send their children to school by paying for their education through government-funded scholarships. These are just some examples of the many options that the government provides for students in need of education.
Students who have been educated at local community colleges or universities can also receive financial assistance through these programs. These scholarships are given out based on academic merit alone and do not need to necessarily be paid back. They are given to people with academic potential and have proven themselves to be worthy students.

As long as the student has an undergraduate degree, and does not belong to a minority group, he/she will be eligible for financial aid. There are many scholarships available for minorities and disabled students, and for those who cannot afford to pay for college.
There is nothing wrong with sending your child to school for an education and to learn a new skill, such as English, because of the opportunity to make a better life. If you’re in a situation where your family is struggling financially and needs money to pay for your child’s education, there is no reason why you should not send your child to school. Scholarships for children come in many forms and are easily accessible through the local community colleges, universities in the United States of America.

Reginald Harper owner of this blog, He created this website many year before to share his experience. He is writer and he writes the topic all about social Anxiety and many more.